Things To Do in Your 20s and 30s to Reduce Your Risk of Preventable Cancer

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Author: Michael Richardson

In our 20s and 30s, most of us do not consider cancer. However, a new study has indicated that persons born after 1990 are more likely than any previous generation to acquire cancer before 50.

Despite the specific things we can’t alter about cancer, such as genetic factors, up to half of all cancers are avoidable. It indicates that the living decisions we make early in life can significantly impact our chance of having cancer later in life.

Here are some essential lifestyle changes to reduce your cancer risk.

Don’t smoke

Cigarettes are not just significant to the cause of lung cancer but 14 other types.


While some people are less likely to smoke these days, partly due to the rise of vaping, statistics indicate that 90 of 100 who smoke daily begin before 25. Don’t smoke – or stop if you already do. Especially if you want to minimize your risk of having cancer.

Practice safe sex

The most prevalent sexual disease in the world is HPV (human papillomavirus), which causes genital herpes. It can also cause a variety of malignancies, including vaginal, genital, oral, and throat cancer.

Being immunized against HPV and practicing safe sex can prevent this infection.

Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity has been related to 13 different type of cancers, including bowel, breast, uterine, and pancreatic cancer. Excess fat causes inflammation in the body, which promotes tumor development and allows cancer cells to proliferate. 

Fat cells also produce estrogen hormone, which can encourage the formation of breast and womb tumors. As a result, women are at a higher risk of developing cancer. Cancers linked to being overweight or obese are becoming increasingly frequent, especially among adults.


Eating a nutritious diet and maintaining a healthy weight are both excellent methods to reduce your chance of developing different forms of cancer later in life.

Don’t drink alcohol.

It is commonly known that alcohol increases the chance of developing various cancers of the brain, breast, and esophageal cancer. 

Although the consequences of binge drinking have not been well investigated, one study shows that heavy drinkers who drink alcohol regularly are 50% more likely to get cancer—smoking while drinking alcohol might further increase the cancerous consequences of smoking.

However, reduced or no alcohol consumption will help lower your chances of having cancer.


Wear sunscreen

Skin cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers detected in people under 40. It has also grown increasingly in recent decades.

UV radiation emitted by the sun is the primary cause of skin cancer. Because the consequences of UV radiation build up over time, the parts of our skin most frequently exposed to the sun (such as our faces) are more prone to skin cancer. Aside from this cumulative damage, a severe sunburn when you’re young might increase your chances of having the most deadly type of skin cancer.

Therefore, it is recommended that you use sun protection whenever you are out in the sunlight to protect yourself from skin cancer. You can practice wearing caps, wearing long-sleeved clothing, and using sunscreen.


The ideal approaches to minimize your chance of several forms of cancer are also associated with overall improved health. Physical activity and avoiding air pollution are also methods to boost your general health and fitness while guarding against cancer.


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