Where you can find financial aid for health related problems

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Financial aids are life-savers especially in the case where you have a loved one in need. How do you can these aids? What are the criteria for getting one? These and many more are the questions we find ourselves battling with. Most time, your medical personnel might enlighten you on the available options you have, most of the time they do not. In this series, we will be helping you get your financial aids just in time.

For starters, We thought it would be nice to bring to you a list of institutions offering financial aids.

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

This has information on financial assistance for medical costs for low-income families. Disability assistance including information on what are the requirements to receive disability insurance, disability benefits, help with the purchase of medical devices or equipment and other related matters.


Department of Health and Human Services

200 Independence Avenue, S.W.

Washington, D.C. 20201

Toll-free number (for calls within the United States): 1-877-696-6775  



An official benefits website of the United States government that can help you determine what benefits you may be eligible for and provides information on how to apply for assistance: Location a page called “the Benefits Finder”, where you can find answers to questions about the government benefits that you may receive.


DisabilityInfo.gov gives quick and easy access to information about services for people with disabilities such as programs, laws and benefits that exist.

DisabilityInfo.gov has a link to the Parent Information and Resource Center that has information about disability categories under the federal law called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA) that enables children with disabilities to receive special services to develop, learn, and succeed in school and other settings.

Social Security Administration (SSA)

The social security administration has helpful information for people who have a disabling illness. You can see if you are eligible for social security, manage or apply for your benefits, calculate them, and get answers to frequently asked questions about social security.


Medicaid has information about how to get help through Medicaid and about the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). They also have information about health coverage for adults and children in each state).

The Insure Kids Now

Sponsored by HHS, it is a resource where you can find additional information about free or low-cost health insurance for children and youth including a video in English about the CHIP Children’s Health Insurance program.

Family voices

A nonprofit organization that works with the federal government to get health care for all children and youth with disabilities and has information on how people with certain diseases can be cared for by Medicaid even if they are not eligible for Medicaid.



Family voices

Alamo SE, Suite 102

Albuquerque, NM 87106

Toll-Free: 1-888-835-5669


MedlinePlus was developed by the National Library of Medicine (NLM). it has a list of financial resources that contains information on help with specific conditions, help for children, help with treatment costs and related topics.


Health Care Choices

A health centre that offers medical services, including dental and psychological services and laboratory tests, cheaper or free in New York State, regardless of whether you have no resources to pay or do not have health insurance. Serves anyone in need who is in New York even if they do not live in New York State:


Health Care Choices

P.O. Box 21039

Columbus Circle Station

New York, NY 10023

Phone: 718-234-0073


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